Tuesday, July 30, 2019

stir fried vegetable - mushroom and cucumber

adapted from a youtube video

clean and cut up mushroom and cucumber into bite sized pieces

fry mushroom until juices seep out. set aside

saute garlic, ginger then add cut up cucumber

when cucumber has changed color and softened add seasonings -salt, pepper, soy or fish sauce

add oyster sauce

add chopped garlic

thicken lightly with starch water

add sesame oil

plate and serve

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

penoy kimchi omelet

saute garlic, minced onions tomatoes
add chopped kimchi
break penoy eggs in bowl

put in saueteed kimchi while still hot in bowl, set aside for a few minutes

heat pan again and pour in egg kimchi mixture. fry in low heat till cooked

Thursday, July 11, 2019

crispy chicken liver slivers

chill chicken liver

dredge in flour seasoned with salt and pepper/ aromatics of choice

air dry

before frying, dip in beaten egg then dredge again in flour or corn meal

fry in low heat till moderately cooked, cool then fry in high heat